What We Believe


The Creator of the Universe

We believe in The Creator of The Universe and that His Name is Yahveh, as revealed to Moses. He is the Great I AM, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the God of Israel and the Jewish people.


His Word

We believe in the totality of His Word, His Holy Torah (the Five Books of Moses), the Prophetic utterances and Writings, and in the New Testament, which are the Apostolic Writings.


The Jewish Messiah

We believe that Yeshua (Jesus) is the Jewish Messiah, the Last Adam, the Son of Yahveh and that He is God who came in the flesh as a Jew to Israel to fulfill the Messianic prophecies. He came to show us the Father, interpret His Torah to the full, and show us how to walk in righteous obedience to Yahveh.


Sinless Lamb

We believe Yeshua was a sinless Lamb and paid with His Blood and Body for every human to be forgiven and reconciled with God. We believe that Yeshua rose from the dead after three nights and days of being in the grave as a man, and is now sitting at the Right hand of His Father, interceding for His saints.


Perfect Sacrifice

We believe that Yeshua, with a one-time sacrifice, has paid the price for sin, once and for all, for Jew and Gentile alike and that there is no need for any other sacrifice or act to redeem man back to the Almighty God.


Second Coming

We believe that Yeshua is coming again soon to establish His Millennial Reign in Jerusalem.


The Holy Spirit

We believe in the fullness of the infilling and manifestation of the Holy Spirit, which is the Spirit of Holiness, including all the revelatory gifts, signs, wonders, and miracles and a complete, open interaction between heaven and earth.


The Church

We believe in the Ecclesia (the Church), which is the Body of the Messiah, the glorious Bride of the Lamb, and the company of saints redeemed by the Blood of the Lamb from Israel and all nations, that is grafted in and part of, joining with the Nation of Israel through the Jewish Messiah.


Renewed Covenant

We believe that the true definition of the Renewed Covenant, the Brit Hadasha, is found in Jeremiah 31:31-34, which includes the Law of Yahveh, God’s Torah, written in the heart of the believer/disciple in Yeshua. Thus, we believe in the importance of teaching God’s laws, precepts, and judgments to the Ecclesia, to Israel, and the nations according to Matthew 5:17-20.


Redemption of Israel

We believe in the full restoration, salvation, and redemption of Israel, the Jewish people, and in the importance of Aliyah (immigration to Israel) from all four corners of the earth, including the Aliyah of the Sephardic Jews, those that lost their identity due to the Spanish Inquisition and the fulfillment of Obadiah 20.


The Jewish Roots of the Faith

We believe in the importance of the Ecclesia (the Church) returning to the apostolic, biblical, and Jewish roots of the faith and returning to the unconditional love and support of Israel as the Apple of Yahveh’s eye and according to Psalms 122:6 and Psalms 137:5-6 and as the spiritual parents of the Ecclesia (the Church) worldwide.



We believe that God wonderfully and immutably creates each person as male or female. Therefore, the term marriage has only one meaning: the uniting of one man and one woman in a single, exclusive union according to Genesis 2:18-25.


The Great Commission

We believe in fulfilling The Great Commission of making disciples of all nations according to Matthew 28:18-20.


Restoration of All Things

We believe in the restoration of all things, including the complete functioning of the Five-Fold Ministry according to Ephesians 4:11-16.


God Is Love

We believe that God is Love and that love never fails.